Maxim named the Top 10 Party Cities in the US recently. Here’s their list.
10. Chicago, Illionios
9. New York City, New York
8. Portland, Oregon
7. Atlanta, Georgia
6. Austin, Texas
5. Houston, Texas
4. Nashville, Tennessee
3. New Orleans, Louisiana
2. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1. Las Vegas, Nevada
I have to agree with the Top 2. Las Vegas is, well Las Vegas and Milwaukee was recently named the Hardest Drinking City by Forbes. New Orleans has always partied hard and Mardi Gras is back in full force! Never been to 4 -6 and only spent a night in Altlanta. I hear Austin and Portland rock, I hope to make it to both this year. Finally, the Big Apple and The Windy City. For it’s sheer size, people and variety NYC never sleeps. You know how the song goes. Chicago has a great midwestern drinking tradition and basks in the glow of its hard partying neighbor to the North.