A while back we wrote about the Ice Jacket, an ice mold for 750ml bottles of vodka, rum, gin, tequila or whatever.
We finally got to sample the Ice Jacket in the field. Our first few runs didn’t pan out well as the top seal of the unit came loose. We told Davis and his team of our troubles and they went to create a fix.
After a few weeks we received a replacement seal for our Ice Jacket and we were in business. We grabbed the best fitting bottle on hand, some Bacardi Silver, clamped the seals, filled it with water and stashed the whole thing in the freezer over night.
The next day the Bacardi was sheathed in an inch of solid ice, now that’s cold! This “jacket” of ice, not only keeps everything chilled, but as an added effect it magnifies the label so every one can see what a great host you are.
Great for parties, the ice jacket keeps your bottles and guests icy cool.