We know that our readers love Halloween and it’s hard to believe that Halloween is only a week away. This weekend, the adult Halloween celebrations will be in full swing. We have been scratching our heads, trying to come up with new and innovation ways to make Halloween fun.
In my attempt to be new and innovative, I ended up rehashing the old. Thinking about Halloween had me remembering what I loved about it as a kid. While I did like dressing up, what I really loved about Halloween was the candy. I loved the anticipation of walking about to the door, ringing the doorbell and wondering what treat awaited. I remember the thrill of getting candy I loved, especially if it was a full-sized candy bar and the sweet sensation of eating it. I also remember the crushing disappointment when someone handed out an apple or a carrot or even a toothbrush. Seriously, what killjoys—who gives little kids a toothbrush other than the dentist.
Then I started wondering, why can’t adults trick or treat? How fun would it be to have a trick or treat party and serve liquid libations, otherwise known as liquid candy? If you live near your friends (where you don’t have to drive) or hire a car service, have a progressive party where you get a different drink at each different house. If that doesn’t work, have one person host the party and have everyone bring their favorite drink (or the ingredients needed to make the drink) to serve in rounds. Or, if you are really ambitious, have the party and make all the drinks yourself. Pour mini drinks in little sipping cups and hand them out. It will be just like Halloween where you get to try a bunch of candy and never know what you are getting next.
Here’s our favorite liquid candy drinks plus one apple drink for good measure. (You can’t leave out the healthy alternative! You remember that from Halloween, right?)
- Candy Bar Cocktail
- Candy Cane
- Candy Corn
- Candy Corn Cocktail
- Choclatini
- Fireball
- Jolly Rancher #1
- Jolly Rancher #2
- Lemon Drop
- Lifesaver
- Liquid Candy
- Tootsie Roll
Even more Halloween Cocktail and Punch Recipes!