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    Drink Recipes by Ingredient

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    Drinks Recipes by Occasion

    The perfect cocktail for any occasion.

    In The Spotlight

    1. Kirkland Premium Small Batch Bourbon, Aged 7 Years Review

      On a recent outing to Costco, we ran across a new item, the Kirkland Premium Small Batch Bourbon. You might be thinking, really, Costco is making bourbon now? Well, Costco isn't really making bourbon; they sourced it from one of the distilleries and private labelled it. Given the price at $19.99, I was game to ...Read More

    2. How to measure in 'parts'

      Normal people measure things in ounces, cups, tablespoons and other recognizable increments. Cocktail people often use "parts" instead, which puts the recipe in the form of a ratio. A part can be any type of measurement. All you have to do is assign a measurement increment to be a part—for example, one part equals one ounce—then ...Read More

    3. Deck the Halls with Less-Frizzled Hosts

      by J.K. O’Hanlon, author of “12 Happy Hours (Thirsty Jane Guides)” and “3 Ingredient Cocktails” This is the time of year when the calendar pages for the next few months are red-lined with parties, making December through January look like they’re on fire. It’s a love-hate stretch of time, especially for hosts coming up with new ...Read More

    4. Cynar Artichoke Liqueur Review

      I bet you didn't know that cocktails are being made from Artichokes.  Over the last few years, Amari (bitter liqueurs) has swept the cocktail world! One its rising stars is Cynar, an Amaro from Italy made from artichokes with a few other herbs and plants thrown into the mix. Rather than hide its artichoke heritage, ...Read More

    5. TnE Red Wine: Just Add Water

      Are you going camping or hiking? Are you going to space? If the answer to either of these questions is "yes," then Trek'n Eat has the product for you: powdered wine. This red wine can be easily toted in its lightweight dry form. Add water and you have wine with 8.2% alcohol content. You adventurous types out there ...Read More